Il personale ha collaborato con efficienza e professionalità, oltre che con pazienza. Peraltro, essendo un libro difficile, pieno di formule oltre che in inglese, la mia interfaccia, Ivana, non si è mai scoraggiata rispondendo con attenzione alle correzione delle formule, piene di apici, pedici e parentesi, oltre che caratteri speciali. A lei il mio ringraziamento ed il mio apprezzamento. Antonio Bellacicco
"Antonio Bellacicco was born in 1943. He was full professor of Statistics until 2013. At present retired, he got his degree in Statistics at “La Sapienza” University in Rome where he became associate professor of Graph theory in the 1983. Finally, he was full professor of Statistics at Cosenza University in 1986 and then, at Teramo University. Its major interest was for the algorithms of clustering, developing a linear complexity algorithm for very large databases. Moreover, he gave a physical interpretation of the clustering algorithms as the so-called Maxwell demon.